How to Choose a Medical Alert Monitoring System

If you fall or have a medical emergency while alone at home, it may be difficult to get assistance quickly, particularly if you are injured or unable to move. A medical alert monitoring system provides easy access to professional emergency care at the push of a button. It can be a great option to provide yourself or a loved one with security and peace-of-mind. Of course, selecting the right medical alert provider is vital, but it can be confusing – you need to be sure that the company can deliver on their promises through customer friendly policies, reliable equipment, and professional emergency operators. A great way to start this selection process is to make sure the provider has the following Five Features of Top Medical Alert Monitoring Providers.


No. 1 Better Business Bureau Accreditation

The Better Business Bureau rates businesses for openness, good practice and customer service. Choosing a service provider that is accredited by the BBB ensures you will work with a legitimate company that will provide the service you signed up for. Other consumer ratings sites like Angie’s List are great too, but the BBB is a must have for a Top Medical Alert Provider.  


No. 2 Transparent Pricing

Unfortunately, some medical alert monitoring providers present misleading pricing for their services, or change prices on your service after you sign up. With top providers not only will you know what price you are paying, but also that price will not increase if your service does not change. You should also look out for hidden fees associated with setup, testing, and cancellation. Top companies will answer any questions you might have about cost up-front and honestly.  


No. 3 Multiple Emergency Call Centers

Before signing up for a medical alert monitoring system, ask where the company’s emergency call center is located, if they have more than one, and if there is a contingency plan in case of a storm or other natural disaster in the area. Top national providers have customers in every state/province. In order to protect their customers from an emergency call center shutting down, top companies will have at least two emergency call centers in different parts of the country. If a company only has one emergency call center, there can be no guarantee of service if there is a natural disaster or power outage.  


No. 4 Easy Set-up and Testing

You should never need to wait around your house for a three-hour window for a stranger to come into your home to set up your new medical alert monitoring service. Top providers offer systems that can be set up by simply plugging them in and pressing the button to test. Be wary of providers who require you to have someone come “install” the system as a way to charge you more money. Likewise, top medical alert providers will never charge you for using the system when there isn’t an emergency. It is vital that you test your equipment periodically and from all areas of your home and garden to be confident that your medical alert will work when you need it. You should feel like you are able to test your system as often as you feel comfortable without the worry of added fees, which may make you more reluctant to use your service in a true emergency.  


No. 5 Flexible Payment Options

Top medical alert providers offer flexible billing and payment options. You may find monthly payments easier to manage, or you may prefer fewer payments of a quarterly or annually billed plan. Either way, top companies will allow you to easily change, without a fee, from one plan to another. Paying for your service by credit card should be simple and secure either over the phone or online.   Your medical alert monitoring service is important and may save your life, so you want to be absolutely sure you have found a provider that meets your needs best. There may be other factors that will help you determine the company that is right for you, but these five features of top companies will provide a great foundation.